I would like to to thank all supporters for getting out to vote for me and helping our campaign get our message out to enough people enabling us to get into the runoff. Last night the Alabama people sent a message that they are tired of what is taking place at the public service commission. I will need your support even more over the next 4 weeks to ensure that we win this election and we change what is going on at the PSC. We must end this hidden tax that is put on the people of Alabama and I will make sure that I will be at the office everyday working for the people of Alabama not special interest groups. I would also like to thank Robin Litaker for the hard-fought campaign she ran. She is a worthy opponent who brought a lot of things to the forefront that is taking place at the PSC. She ran a great campaign and like me she wants to change things. She has been invaluable exposing what is going on. I hope she stays involved in politics for many years to come. Now is not the time for us to sit on our laurels we've got to continue to get our message out and make sure that we win in 4 weeks.
Robert McCollum
