By Chris Peeks February 10, 2022
Surfing the web the other night in boredom, I came across another bizarre wording, this time a bio of an Alabama politician. I couldn't believe my eyes at what I had read. I'm not sure if the egotism or just flat-out lies left me in shock more. This came from none other than Twinkle Cavanaugh.
My jaw dropped. She referred to herself as one of the "Yellowhammer states trailblazing females." By the time Twinkle got elected to her first statewide office, Alabama had already had a female governor, a female lieutenant governor that also captured the 2006 Democratic nomination, and a female State treasure. Let us not forget that the latter two defeated her in two statewide races. Now not taking anything away from Governor Lurleen Wallace, but she did have a lot of help from George. However, Lucy Baxley did it on her own and truly earned the title of a trailblazer. Twinkle Cavanaugh, you're no Lucy Baxley.
Then the following few things caught my eye. She calls herself the working commissioner because she is at work every day. No, she's not. Whenever I called the office, she was not there, and her assistant took the call. I called one time in December, and her assistant informed me that she had taken the day off to spend the time with family for Christmas. I thought to myself, "it's December 2nd."
That brings me to my other point she wrote in there that if anybody wanted to talk to her, do not hesitate to call the office. Commissioner Cavanaugh, I called your office repeatedly to speak to you, and you refused my request. Will you now agree to an interview?
Yes, this one left me stunned. I've never seen such egotism in my life. Not to mention the falsehood about how you can call the commissioner and set up an appointment with her. Honestly, did you expect anything different from the head public servant on the Public Service Commission?
By Chris Peeks
Reporter and Columnist
Alabama Political Contributor
